$550,000 Wrongful Death Due To Medical Malpractice
The Brain Damage Case
Absolutely nothing in the world can pay for the loss of a loved one and the unimaginable suffering that comes with it. This ordeal becomes even more difficult to accept if the death was caused by someone else’s negligence – especially someone who’s supposed to help, like a doctor. Sadly, there are numerous medical professionals who are negligent enough to cause the wrongful death of their patients.
If you have lost someone you love due to medical negligence, taking legal action may not be your priority as of now. But while it’s true that claiming compensation can never replace your beloved, it can bring significant relief, especially in the aftermath of your monetary expenses.
This was our primary goal when we represented a client whose wife was a victim of medical malpractice.
While the wife was hospitalized, her attending physician noted that the sodium levels in her blood had gone down from a normal level of 145 to just 118. The doctor attempted to bring her sodium levels back up – a process that is known to be highly delicate. There is clear medical literature that says raising sodium levels should be done in a controlled manner, and without exceeding specific amounts in a 24-hour period. If sodium levels are raised too fast, the patient could suffer brain damage and death.
At the time, our client’s wife was taking medication that would inhibit her ability to urinate. To raise the sodium in her blood, the attending physician proscribed (prohibited) salt tablets, restricted the patient’s fluid intake, and stopped her medication. Because of these, the patient became “dryer” and her sodium levels spiked.
The medical providers failed to see how fast the sodium was rising because, as it turned out, they did not do a sufficient number of lab tests to check the sodium levels. By the time they checked, the patient’s sodium had far exceeded all safe limits. She experienced brain damage and died.
Our team at Kassel McVey fought hard for our client (the patient’s husband), aiming to help ease his grief through financial compensation. We successfully achieved for him a settlement of $550,000.
Talk To A Lawyer Today
If you have suffered a loved one’s wrongful death due to a negligent medical professional, we at Kassel McVey sincerely sympathize. It is a great agony to bear, and we want to make it easier for you.
Talk to us in a free consultation. See how we can help you obtain justice and compensation, without high stress and confusion. Whether the case is about a surgery mistake, an emergency procedure, childbirth, medication, diagnosis, or any other medical process, we can serve you effectively and with utmost compassion.
Kassel McVey serves all of South Carolina and offer free consultations. Call us today at (803) 256-4242.
Personal Injury Lawyers 1330 Laurel Street Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: 803-256-4242
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Columbia, South Carolina 29202
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