Kassel McVey

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About Theile McVey

For the last 17 years Theile McVey has devoted the majority of her legal practice to representing individuals and families hit hard by asbestos exposure causing mesothelioma.

  1. Since 2006 Theile has been involved in almost every significant mesothelioma case brought in the state and federal courts in South Carolina. 
  2. She has appeared before every judge who has been specially appointed to hear mesothelioma cases in South Carolina.
  3. She has represented over 100 families working to resolve their cases.
Theile McVey

Leader in developing discovery to be used in trial against asbestos component part manufacturers

Theile McVey has been a leader in developing discovery to be used in trial against asbestos component part manufacturers using asbestos products as well industrial plant owners allowing their own workers to be exposed to asbestos insulation and equipment. Through the hard work of digging through documents, meeting with expert and lay witnesses, learning the science of asbestos exposure, Theile has been able to help expose companies by showing their knowledge of the health hazards of asbestos exposure and their hiding of the problem.

Not Taking No For an Answer

Theile McVey was instrumental in finding insurance coverage to help pay claims to those ravaged by mesothelioma. When many lawyers took no for an answer when inquiring about insurance coverage, Theile looked further. She actually took companies who claimed they had no insurance nor assets to pay claims and put them into court supervised receiverships. This process has led to special insurance funds that are being used for the first time to pay asbestos claims. The court appointment of receiverships in asbestos claims in South Carolina has been reported in industry publications and legal media outlets across the county.

Hard Work Pays Off With Results & Respect

Theile’s hard work pays off. Her diligent preparation has led to numerous significant verdicts at trial across the state such as:

  • A case filed on behalf of a Duke employee in Anderson, South Carolina resulted in a $5.2 million dollar verdict.  
  • A case filed in Spartanburg, South Carolina on behalf of a man working in industrial plants, resulted in a $300,000 trial verdict. The defense appealed the verdict which was upheld by the South Carolina Court of Appeals in a 47 page opinion which laid out the law on virtually every major legal issue to be raised in a mesothelioma trial.  
  • Another South Carolina jury returned a $14 million dollar verdict  on behalf of a worker in a Celanese plant. Despite appeals, the verdict was affirmed by the South Carolina Court of Appeals and by the South Carolina Supreme Court. Justice John Few of the South Carolina Supreme Court used Theile’s case to write the seminal judicial opinion on the legal concept of statutory employer, an issue that arises frequently during asbestos litigation. The opinion was extremely favorable to working men and women. 
  • A Greenville jury returned a $700,000 verdict in a mesothelioma case. 
  • A Richland county jury returned a $38 million dollar verdict in a case on behalf of a worker exposed to asbestos at the Carolina Eastman plant outside of Columbia. In addition to trial verdicts, Theile has helped secure millions of dollars in settlements for deserving families torn apart by asbestos exposure. 
  • And more!

Lawyers From Other States Seek Her Out

It is no accident that when lawyers from other states represent South Carolina residents, they overwhelmingly seek out Theile McVey to help with their prosecution of claims in this state. What they know is that Theile is experienced. She knows the lawyers, judges, experts and defendants that regularly appear in these cases. The insights she brings on trial strategy is recognized as invaluable.

Theile has also been involved in cases involving mesothelioma from contact with contaminated talc in baby powders and make-up products. The mining of talc can easily be contaminated with nearby deposits of asbestos, rendering ubiquitous household products deadly. A number of talc cases have been tried across the country. Theile is set to try one of the first such cases in South Carolina.


Theile is a 1997 graduate of Columbia College and a 2000 graduate of the South Carolina School of Law. She is a recipient of the Compleat Lawyer Award, one of the highest honors given out by the law school. She is past president of the South Carolina Association for Justice, the leading plaintiff lawyer organization in the state, whose members are devoted to representing individuals and families hurt or killed by the negligent conduct of others. She is past president of the South Carolina chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates, an organization dedicated to preserving the right to a jury trial as a means of resolving conflicts. She is a sought-after lecturer at legal conferences at home and outside the state. She is active in her church and in her community. Along with her husband Ian, she is raising two children.

Contact Kassel McVey Today

Reach out to an asbestos injury attorney with an excellent track record and a team that truly cares. Speak to Kassel McVey Personal Injury Lawyers, a trusted mesothelioma firm based in Columbia, South Carolina. Your consultation is free. Call (803) 256-4242 today.

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