Bedsores From Nursing Home Abuse in South Carolina
“If [a patient] has a bedsore, it’s generally not the fault of the disease, but of the nursing,” wrote the nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. This rings true even today, when an estimated three million adults suffering from bedsores, medically known as pressure ulcers or pressure sores.
In nursing homes and elder care facilities, residents should be properly cared for so that they never develop bedsores or similar health problems. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Very often, nursing home residents suffer from pressure ulcers due to neglect or other forms of abuse.
If you have a senior family member who has developed bedsores in a nursing home, remember that it may not be an ordinary inconvenience. It may be a sign that your loved one is neglected or abused in the facility. If you are in South Carolina, talk to us at Kassel McVey as we have years of experienced dealing with nursing home abuse and neglect cases.
How Bedsores Can Point To Nursing Home Neglect
Pressure sores may be common especially among individuals who are not physically active. However, this health issue can be avoided with proper daily care, and that kind of care is expected of nursing homes. When a nursing home fails to provide this care or is abusive in some way, it can create the following conditions that give rise to bedsores:
- Staff inattention to resident’s positioning. When a person stays in one position for a long time, like lying down or sitting, pressure ulcers are likely to develop. It is imperative for nursing home staff to constantly reposition residents who need assistance and to ensure that their posture is less prone to bedsores. Sadly, we often see elder residents who end up having pressure sores because the staff doesn’t pay enough attention.
- Staff inattention to resident’s bodily fluids. Bedsores can also develop when the area around the skin is excessively moist. Among nursing home residents, this can occur when sweat, urine, or other bodily fluids are left unattended on their clothes or beddings, keeping their skin in contact with unhygienic moisture. When a resident is left with unattended sweat or urine, it is a huge sign of the facility’s neglect.
- Malnutrition or dehydration. No nursing home resident should be malnourished or dehydrated. These two conditions themselves are signs of physical abuse. Bedsores are a symptom of malnutrition or dehydration, because when the skin does not get the proper nutrients and hydration it needs, it is weakened and can easily break down.
- Weight loss due to improper diet. Even when your loved one is not strictly malnourished, losing weight may be a sign that their body is not receiving the nutrients it needs. Protein is particularly crucial for both muscle mass and skin health, so when this nutrient is lacking, the person may lose weight and become more vulnerable to skin problems. Additionally, losing muscle mass and fat means having less ‘cushion’ to dissipate pressure on the body.
What To Do When Your Loved One Has Bedsores in South Carolina?
When you discover pressure ulcers on your loved one, talk to them about it in a kind and patient manner. Help them open up to you about how they developed the sores and how they are being managed at the nursing home. Keep in mind that they may not always be able to provide clear answers – some residents may not realize that they are being treated unfairly, while some may be afraid to talk about it.
You may politely talk to the caregivers and staff, directing their attention to the pressure sores. A decent nursing home should provide medical attention right away, but if this isn’t the case, don’t hesitate to seek the medical care that your loved one needs.
Also, ask the staff in a courteous manner how the resident could have developed the sores. Be nosy about the individual’s routine, diet, healthcare, and hygiene. Trustworthy facilities would not mind your courteous questioning about the condition of your loved one.
Document your conversations with the staff, as well as your observations at the facility. Also keep documentary evidence of the bedsores and any other injuries on your loved one.
If you feel you have evidence of neglect, it’s important to consult with an attorney. Nursing home neglect or abuse is a serious case that may entitle your family to compensation. Even if taking legal action may not be on your mind at this point, your loved one will need legal protection to ensure that they will not continue to suffer at the nursing home.
Kassel McVey Helps Families Like Yours
Since 1985, families in South Carolina have trusted the compassionate lawyers at Kassel McVey to fight for their elderly loved ones. Our firm is committed to serve real people – individuals and families who have suffered due to the negligence or abuse of others.
If you work with us, we will commit our years of experience and knowledge to protect your loved one. We will carefully investigate the case, gather evidence, enlist doctors and other relevant experts, and build a strong case for your family to get rightfully compensated. We aim to make the law work for you and your loved one so that they are protected from further harm and able to heal from their suffering.
Talk to us at Kassel McVey about your loved one’s condition at the nursing home. Call us at (803) 256-4242 today.
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