Theile McVey, an attorney with Kassel McVey, has been appointed chair of the Discovery Abuse Committee with the South Carolina Association for Justice (SCAJ). She has also been appointed as a member of the Honors and Recognitions Committee for the SCAJ.
The SCAJ was founded over 50 years ago by a small group of trial lawyers. The mission is to uphold and defend the constitutions of South Carolina and the nation; to protect the rights of the individual; to seek justice through open and fair courtrooms; to resist unjust laws; to strengthen the civil justice system through education; and to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in the legal profession.
Personal Injury Lawyers 1330 Laurel Street Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: 803-256-4242
Mailing Address
Post Office Box 1476
Columbia, South Carolina 29202
Fax: (803) 256-1952
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